Magnesium truely is an amazing mineral, naturally found in the ocean, inland seas and our soil. It is vital for over 300 processes on its own and is a cofactor of over 800! If you are experiencing lethargy, inability to focus, muscle and joint tenderness, injuries that don’t want to heal, recurring illnesses, low vitamin D levels, heart, nerve and bone issues or are stressed, chances are you need more Magnesium.
Magnesium really does help you to jump out of bed with a bounce in your step… I can remember whilst studying my Masters of Nutrition and learning about magnesium I created my first Magnesium Oil Spray and Cream to see what it would do for me. I was absolutely astounded as I thought I would have enough eating healthfully and exercising, the increase in my energy levels was incredible, my husband would come home and wonder what I had been doing to be bounding with energy with a 2 year old! 🙂 He still knows when I’ve had extra!

What I did after this experience was to ensure we all used Magnesium as part of our daily/weekly routine simply to ensure health and vitality. After all if I could benefit from additional magnesium the rest of my family could too! A bottle of our Day Magnesium Cream became a vital addition to our bathroom bench and both my husband and I use it daily after the shower as a moisturiser. We also have a Night Cream by the bed for those nights when we are overtired and need a little help to nod off.
Our Magnesium Chloride Bath Flakes are fantastic, I mean who doesn’t love a relaxing bath, half an hour relaxing in the bath, total bliss, of course until the kids (small and big) want you! We ensure that our little one, Lucas now 8 1/2 has a bath at least weekly, it really is great to support growth, to calm and relax, help with keeping immunity high and manage those bugs they all seem to share at school.
As I embark on my second half marathon, (first 6 years ago) I tend to use a lot more magnesium as the more active you are the more you require. I use the Active Gel before a good workout to keep the muscles stronger for longer and reduce fatigue, I can run a bit further making training much easier. Our Recovery Range, is fantastic for Natural Pain Relief, not just for post workout but for those ongoing concerns that just don’t seem to disappear. This is for sure my go to (Recovery Cream) after a good workout or whenever I have an ache or stiff muscles and joints. So if you have any concerns grab a bottle and rub some in, you won’t be disappointed with the results. And the best thing is you can use it as often as required with no side affects!
To support health and vitality, when you are feeling flat, have aches or trying to heal, grab a bottle and create a routine:
1. Use after a shower as your daily moisturiser
2. Rub some in before bed or enjoy a massage
3. Have a good soak in the bath or a foot soak weekly
4. Apply to areas of concern to promote recovery
Yours in Health
Jenny Charlesworth
Clinical Nutritionist MHumNutr
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